Security News – Week 42

Magniber Ransomware Targets Windows Users with Fake Software Updates

HP Wolf Security researchers have detected that the operators of Magniber Ransomware are running a new malware distribution campaign targeting Windows home users with advanced features.

Figure 1: Details of the File Containing the Magniber Pest
Figure 1: Details of the File Containing the Magniber Pest

The chain of infection begins when users download a ZIP file that allegedly contains anti-virus software or a Windows 10 update from a threat actor-controlled website. However, contrary to what was promised, the ZIP archive contains compressed Javascript files containing malware. JavaScript files use a variation of the DotNetToJScript technique to load a .NET executable into memory, so the ransomware does not need to be saved to disk. Using this technique, detection and prevention mechanisms that monitor files written to disk are bypassed, and traces left on the vulnerable system are minimized. The .NET code decodes the shell code and injects it into another process.

Figure 2: Chain of Attack
Figure 2: Chain of Attack

On the other hand, the ransomware code disables Windows’s backup and recovery features by deleting the copy files before encrypting the user files. However, Magniber requires administrator privileges to disable its data recovery capability, so the malware bypasses User Account Control (UAC) control to execute commands without the user’s knowledge. However, the logged-in user must be part of the Administrators group for this process to work. Magniber enumerates the files and checks the file extension against a list during the encryption process. If the file extension is in the list, the file is encrypted. In the final stage, Magniber places a ransom note in each directory and displays the message to the user by opening it in a web browser. While it was observed that the malware spread through MSI and EXE files in the past attacks using Magniber, it was observed that it started to be distributed via JavaScript files in the said attacks carried out in September 2022.

Figure 3: Ransom Note Added by Magniber Operators
Figure 3: Ransom Note Added by Magniber Operators

The threat actors behind the Magniber malware are known to demand a $2500 ransom payment from infected users. In this context, it is recommended to consider the following security steps in order not to be the target of this and similar ransomware campaigns.

Multiple Vulnerabilities Detected in Juniper Networks Junos OS

Multiple critical security vulnerabilities have been identified in Junos OS, a network operating system used in security and network devices developed by Juniper Networks. The vulnerabilities allow threat actors to perform unauthorized file access, cross-site scripting (XSS), and directory traversal attacks.

Some of the detected security vulnerabilities are as follows;

  • The security vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2022-22241, is due to incorrect login validation affecting the J-Web component of Juniper Networks Junos OS. As a result, an unauthenticated threat actor that successfully exploits the vulnerability can gain access to data through a specially crafted POST request without proper authorization.
  • The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2022-22246, is a PHP Local File Inclusion (LFI) vulnerability that affects the J-Web component of Juniper Networks Junos OS and could allow a low-privileged authenticated threat actor to execute a malicious PHP file on the vulnerable system.
  • The vulnerability tracked as CVE-2022-22242 is a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability that affects the J-Web component of Juniper Networks Junos OS and could allow an unauthenticated threat actor to run malicious scripts in the user’s browser in the context of a J-Web session.
  • The vulnerability tracked as CVE-2022-22244 is an XPath Injection vulnerability that affects the J-Web component of Juniper Networks Junos OS. An unauthenticated threat actor can exploit the vulnerability through a specially crafted POST request.

These vulnerabilities, which affect all versions of the Junos operating system, are critically rated as high and have been fixed with the updates released by Juniper Networks. In this context, in order not to be the target of attacks that can be carried out using vulnerabilities, it is recommended that vulnerable Junos OS users upgrade immediately to released updates, while as a workaround, disable J-Web or restrict access to trusted hosts only.

Timing Attacks Via Npm API Discloses Custom Package Names

An attack method that reveals the names of special packages has been identified by Aqua Security researchers. Organizations create internal projects and custom packages of certain software products to keep their code and functionality private to minimize the risk of their development teams and inventories being exposed to targeted attacks.

The detected attack method includes a timing attack using the npm API. The npm Register API allows users to download existing packages and check for the existence of packages. When using the npm registry to download a package that does not exist or is set as private, the website returns a 404 HTTP error code stating that the package could not be found.

Figure 1:404 Not Found: No response to an API request on npm
Figure 1:404 Not Found: No response to an API request on npm

Aqua Security researchers used this feature to compare the response time of 404 HTTP errors with non-existent packets to check for the presence of custom packets they created in npm. As a result of the results obtained, it was observed that the response time to the request containing the name of an existing package was longer than the response time to the request made for the non-existent package. Therefore, threat actors can learn whether the package exists in the system through dictionary attacks by creating a list of possible package names for special packages used by institutions/organizations.

Figure 2: Time for the app to respond to five requests
Figure 2: Time for the app to respond to five requests


After detecting the private packages of the organizations, the threat actors can create fake malicious packages with the same name and trick the public/organizational employees into downloading them. It is predicted that such an attack could be linked to wider supply chain attacks. In this context, it is recommended to take the following security measures in order to reduce the risk of attacks that can be carried out using the said method.

  • Organizations should take preventive measures by frequently searching npm for suspicious packages that spoof their custom packages with similar names,
  • Because npm doesn’t allow same-named packages to be installed in public repositories, organizations should create public packages that emulate their private packages as placeholders,
  • If similar packages are found, it should be ensured that they do not contain malware, and relevant stakeholders should be informed.

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